Staying at home with your child is definitely a calling. To make it work, you really have to want to do it, and even then, you still have your days where you wonder if you're crazy for doing it!
Yesterday was one of those days. Between the teething and growth spurting, I'm seriously considering baby wearing (using a sling to keep my little one attached to me.) Seeing as that's where Henry has wanted to be for the last, oh, two weeks, it would at least free up my arms to get things done around the house! On the up side of things, I'm developing nice biceps and triceps. And it just got to me. I was tired; I was hungry (as always with a breastfed baby); I was just needing a break. But, as a stay-at-home mom, sometimes breaks are hard to come by. And the thought of going back to work sounded pretty welcome. Until I thought about all the things I would miss Henry doing, like rolling over, sitting up, driving me to my breaking point and then grinning at me with the sweetest, most joyful smile I've ever seen...
You get the picture. Staying at home is hard! But, anything worth doing is worth doing well, and if I truly believe my job first and foremost is to be a wife and mother (which I do believe), then I just have to roll with the punches and remember that each day is new. And, I have to remember that God is never more than a prayer away. Maybe this is His way of reminding me Whose I am and of getting me back on track...
My Calling
Submitted by laura on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 20:00