Yesterday, I used the curling iron on my hair. To most people, this is an everyday occurrence. But for a new mommy, it is an incredible feat! I'm being very serious here. I spend so much time looking after Henry's needs and wants that I rarely take the time anymore to spend fifteen minutes making my hair actually look nice--you know, not just in a messy ponytail. It actually made me feel...pretty. I've gotten so sick of my hair, and I've debated about chopping it all off. John loves my hair long, so that's the only thing that has kept me from taking that plunge.
It's funny the little things that make you feel pretty once you become a mom. Things like shirts that don't smell like spit up and showers every day. Wearing lip gloss, even if it's only around the house. Curling your hair, even though you aren't going anywhere.
I find that I focus so much on taking care of Henry that I have to remind myself to take care of me, too! I think the definition of mom should be: someone who puts everybody else before herself. Being a mom knocks you out of your own selfishness, whether you want it to or not! That's probably a good thing; it's much more fun to serve others than to serve yourself.
Maybe we should all try that more often...
Hi! I'm so glad you
Hi! I'm so glad you found this! I'll have to check your blogs out, too! :o)
I totally agree. Most days
I totally agree. Most days I do good to even get out of my pajamas, unless we're going out. I'll remember the "doing my hair" part. :)
(Thanks for sharing your blog. I'm Rainwriterm on Momma Matters and YA, but Marnee everywhere else. I think you can see my blogs if you click on my profile, right?) :)