You know you're a mom when...

You know you're a mom when:

~Taking a nap trumps taking a shower.

~Thinking about food while cleaning out a poopy cloth diaper doesn't gross you out.

~You talk about yourself in third person even when the baby isn't listening.

~Going to the bathroom by yourself becomes a thing of the past.

~You can't wait for your baby's naptime so you can get a break!

~The thought of cleaning up someone else's throw up, spit up, poop, or snot no longer causes you to want to throw up yourself.

~You ask your husband if he needs to "go potty" before you leave the house.

~You tell your husband you need to "go potty" before leaving the house.

~You spend more time making sure your child looks good than you do on yourself.

~You do all this stuff with a loving heart because you know your little one loves you and depends on you.


I can totally relate.  I liked the one about spending more time making sure your child looks good than you do on yourself.  I would add to that more resources, more money, more effort, more concentration, more planning, and more coordination.  :)  And there are another million things we could both add to that list!  Yet, I know we both wouldn't change it for the world.  ~kt

New one to add: You can use a

New one to add: You can use a public restroom while holding your child.  I had to do this today.  It's amazing what you can do with one hand!