Keeping Up Appearances

I have a Facebook account, and I got the account several years ago to keep up with my college and high school friends. It's pretty cool to see how everybody has changed, what jobs we have, where we live, who we married, and who has children. It's a way to be connected with people, though the best way to be connected is through actual physical friendships, phone calls, and visits.

Marveling At God's Creation

"Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever." ~Psalm 111:2-3

Why won't the sweet baby sleep?

So, it's 4:15pm, and Henry should be taking a nap right now. But instead he's blowing raspberries (I bet his whole face is covered in drool and spit by this time!) and squealing and grunting. He's probably playing with his blanket and waving his arms, too. Why does he have to be so cute all the time!? It makes it hard to leave him alone to let him go to sleep, but I'm trying!

My Sweet Family

I love taking pictures like this. Unfortunately, we can never get Henry to smile...

I need to put the mask away.

God and I spent alot of time hanging out yesterday on the way to my parents' house. I was listening to "Lifesong," the second CD that Casting Crowns released the whole way there, and God was just all over me and the car. It was amazing; I hadn't felt that way in a long time. Having a baby really pulls you away from that daily prayer time and Bible reading unless you make it a huge priority, and I, unfortunately, haven't made it that huge of a priority. I need to get my focus back.

All Things To All People?

I've been thinking about what Paul wrote in the Bible when he said he "became all things to all people" so that, in doing so, he could more easily lead those people to Christ. And I've been wondering, from a purely practical standpoint, how to do that in my own life.

My Favorite Routine

One of my favorite routines with Henry is bedtime. Henry gets a bath every night, whether he actually needs it or not! My sister gave him a blue hippo bath toy when he was born, and for the longest time he just wasn't interested in it, but for the last few days, he's grabbed for it and tried to put it in his mouth. Last night he tried to drown it!

What A Week This Has Been!

Wow, this has been such a busy week! It's hard to believe it's already Saturday.

Tuesday, I had an appointment with a periodontist because I noticed my gum tissue receding after I had Henry. Turns out, I will have to have a skin graft from my hard palate to cover up the recession. The doctor will do this on June 1. While it needs to be done, I'm not really excited about going through this.

An Infertility Story

Most people don't realize that John and I tried to conceive for eighteen months before we got pregnant. They just assume that we wanted to wait almost four years before getting pregnant. But that wasn't the case. I thought I would post our struggle with infertility just in case anybody actually reads this blog and feels like I'm always just so happy and excited! :o)

The Sweetest Sound

So, yesterday, I was fixing lunch after church, and John had Henry in the living room, playing with him. As I'm standing over the stove, I hear John making crazy noises and then Henry starts laughing, so then John starts laughing, so Henry starts laughing some more. And around it goes. It was the sweetest sound ever! Hearing my two main men laughing together and having fun was the best Mother's Day present ever!

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